VIP Mentoring

Sometimes you’re feeling the need to be held. Really held.

Supported through the dark emotions, and into the light.

One on one. No distractions. Total care.

This is why I offer Private Mentoring. My full scale, full service offering.

You get access to my nutrition coach background, my sensuality brain, my spiritual spidey-sense, and my heart for untangling communication problems.

What that means is…you get EVERYTHING you could possibly need to start LIVING into a new kind of feeling, while bringing your sensuality and relationship (with yourself and your partner!) along for the ride.


  • Excavate long standing beliefs about the way life needs to be

  • Work smarter (not harder) to support your long term goals for yourself and your relationship

  • Transform your lifestyle. Uplevel everything - including diet, exercise, and energy levels.

This includes email and/or voxer support in-between sessions.

If you are interested in finding out more about my Private Mentoring services, click the button below to schedule your free consultation call!