VIP Mentoring
Private Coaching
Sometimes you’re feeling the need to be held. Really held.
Supported through the dark emotions, and into the light.
One on one. No distractions. Total care.
This is why I offer Private Mentoring. My full scale, full-service offering.
You get access to my nutritionist background, my sensuality brain, my spiritual spidey-sense, and my heart for untangling communication problems.
What that means is…you get EVERYTHING you could possibly need to start LIVING into a new kind of feeling while bringing your sensuality and relationship (with yourself and your partner!) along for the ride.
👉🏼Excavate long-standing beliefs about the way life needs to be
👉🏼Work overtime to support your long term goals for yourself and your relationship
👉🏼Transform your lifestyle. Uplevel everything - including diet, exercise, and energy levels.
This includes email and/or voxer support in-between sessions.
VIP Intensive
In this life, we hit breaking points - or as I like to think about them - BREAKTHROUGH points.
And the difference between a breakdown vs. a breakthrough often comes down to whether or not we seek and get the help at the crossroads.
We need to SPEAK our desires into being. It’s the first step. Maybe you can’t put your finger on exactly what the problem is. That’s okay, we’ll coax it out together.
A REGINITE VIP day with me is perfect for the woman who is looking to face the obstacles holding them back from the deep intimacy they desire and find the tools to embody what’s next.
This full day of support means that we have the time and space to focus and come out the other side with your solution. This is not a quick fix, this is a DEEP fix.
👉🏼With super transformational results and tools, you can bring home right away.
👉🏼Feeling light, and excited by your husband’s touch once again.
👉🏼Confident and prepared to have hard conversations with your partner.
👉🏼Feeling worthy again, and re-connected to your goddess soul.
This is all about reigniting and re-connecting. I only take on women who are ready to transform.
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