VIP Wellness Mentoring

VIP Mentoring

Sometimes you feel the need to be held in life. Really held.

Supported through the dark emotions, and into the light.

One on one. No distractions. Total care.

This is why I offer Private Mentoring. My full scale, full service offering.

You get access to my nutrition coach background, my sensuality brain, my spiritual spidey-sense, and my heart for untangling communication problems.

What that means is…you get EVERYTHING you could possibly need to start LIVING into a new kind of feeling, while bringing your wellness and relationships (with yourself, your family and friends!) along for the ride.


  • Excavate long standing beliefs about the way life needs to be.

  • Work smarter (not harder) to support your long term goals for yourself and your wellness.

  • Transform your lifestyle. Uplevel everything - including diet, exercise, and energy levels.

Your program includes:

  • 18 - One-to-one private coaching calls with Marna. `

  • 6 - Months access to the Resource Vault.

  • Email and/or voxer support in-between sessions.

Ready to say yes to a different future for yourself and your loved ones?

I feel a much friendlier relationship with myself and an increasingly better interface with the world...
— Christina M, tech industry

“Marna's regular coaching has been invaluable during a time when I'd lost my way in many respects. I was struggling with various health issues, which she helped me address by guiding me through better nutritional choices, but also developing nourishing routines. Not only that, she has coached me through changing my whole mindset on life, becoming more resilient and receptive to change, and helping me reframe my own self-talk to be more nurturing and less critical. Because of her, I have much better habits in my life, and if I fall out of them, she helps me get back on the positive path. I feel a much friendlier relationship with myself and an increasingly better interface with the world, and I so owe so much of it to Marna's guidance. <3”

If you’re curious about how much more alive you can be, work with Marna. You’ll be amazed.

"I was feeling overwhelmed with trying to live a meaningful life. Through Marna's insightful questions, compassionate listening, deep and broad knowledge of healthy "soul foods", and a gently persistent coaching style, I was able to integrate nourishing habits and expand my awareness of self. In short, Marna helped me learn how to take care of myself in more wholistic and surprisingly effective ways. With her help, I changed some limiting habits, and established new, really powerful ones. I am grateful for her gift, her focus and her intense desire for me to be more, well, me. If you're curious about how much more alive you can be, work with Marna. You'll be amazed." - Dave, Entrepreneur