During the month of April, I ran the super successful “Feel Beautiful” challenge for women who wanted to alter the way they've been told they should feel and break free from an unhealthy beauty mindset.
So MANY women experienced wonderful breakthroughs in the self-love department. It was GORGEOUS to watch.
Since I have been helping many of you reclaim your value and self-worth, I wanted to share a quick personal story about my own beauty and self-image journey.
About two years ago, I went thru a major health crisis… A fibroid (benign tumor) was pushing against my uterus and I lost so much blood I had to have an emergency transfusion. I found myself leaving the ER with hopes for a quickly scheduled surgery, and instructions to take three birth control pills a day in order to manage the bleeding.
The hormones drove me crazy and caused my weight to skyrocket. Several weeks later I had a successful surgery, but my abdomen would never be the same.
As a newly full sized, messy, scarred version of myself I wondered… Would I ever feel beautiful again?
It took a journey of realigning my beliefs about beauty and my relationship with my body, in order to come back to a state of feeling peaceful, at home in my skin, and attractively confident.
As women, we are falsely sold this myth that our beauty is dependent on our youth and flawlessness.
As I age, I appreciate the wisdom that accompanies my steps.
Even still, sometimes I look in the mirror and wonder if the woman looking back at me is enough.
Pretty enough, smart enough, effective enough, etc.
It’s these moments I become aware I’ve fallen behind in my active self-love practices. Because when I FEEL good I’d rather be making magic than criticizing myself in the mirror. Make sense?
I know it's a journey - and a journey requires road maps, check-in points, and very often, a reliable and warm guide.
If you’re struggling with self love, low energy, or feeling beautiful, I recommend you take me up on a free Beat Burnout Now Strategy Session. Find out more and claim yours now at https://pages.marnaschwartz.com/beat-burnout